Nancy Wolfe

Estheticians | Winnipeg

Hey! I’m Nancy, your friendly, outgoing esty! I am a fully licensed esthetician with over 12 years of experience. I am trained in facials, body treatments, manicures, pedicures, hair removal and ear candling. My passion is in body sugaring! There’s nothing more satisfying than taking off unwanted hair. I strive to make every client feel welcome, and leave happier than when they walked in to see me. When I’m not working, I’m practicing yoga, reading a book, relaxing with my family, and getting outside as much as possible. What I offer:

  • Sugaring: Arms, Underarms, Legs, Back, Chest, Abdomen, Shoulders, Brazilian, Buttocks, Lip & Chin.
  • Waxing: Eyebrows.
  • Facials
  • Body treatments

17th avenue