RMT | Oakville

Maria is a Registered Massage Therapist, Reiki Practitioner, and a believer in holistic healing. Her interest in Massage Therapy began with her mother, Janette. She always knew the spot, pressure, and techniques to use on her family, without any schooling! Without school, she relied on her intuition and judgement. Maria believes we are all intuitive. In a practice such as Massage Therapy that allows us to work closely with our clients, Maria found that understanding her intuition, and cultivating her skill with RMT school’s education and clinical practice has helped her serve her clients immensely. Maria has worked on a range of clients from post-Operative, elderly, toddlers, children, high school athletes, and teenage clients to just regular, hard-working adults. The most recurring clients she gets are those who are prepared to commit to their wellbeing journey—knowing that one massage cannot and should not heal months or years’ worth of build-up of tension in their body. Maria is excited to be a part of your wellness journey!

Location : Oakville

17th avenue