Acupuncture | Osteopathy | Calgary

Dr Joanie Boux (MD, R AC, DMO) is very excited to work as both an acupuncturist and manual osteopath at Leela Eco Spa. With 20 years of experience in the specialty of anesthesia, Dr Joanie’s vision is to incorporate her years of involvement in the medical field into her traditional Chinese medicine and manual osteopathy training so as to provide the highest quality of integrative health, helping people achieve their optimum state of well-being and longevity as well as a pain-free life. Dr Joanie graduated as a registered acupuncturist with CCATCM in Nova Scotia (2015) and has taught at the CCTCMA in Calgary. She has a keen interest in cupping therapy, electro- acupuncture, tcm reflexology, tuina massage and tuning fork therapy to acupuncture points. She also offers minimal/superficial needling (ie Acupuncture-Lite) along with various other healing modalities for children or clients who are needle-phobic. Dr Joanie has also graduated from the National Manual Osteopathic College (NMOC) in Alberta as a manual osteopath. What Is manual osteopathy? Manual Osteopathy is a holistic approach that unlocks the body's own healing potential. It uses gentle, precise manual adjustments to muscles, joints and soft tissues in order to restore balance, enhance circulation, alleviate pain and increase flexibility. The four pillars of this practice include osteo articulation, visceral manipulation, craniosacral therapy and advanced fascia release. Dr Joanie’s skills have enabled her to effectively treat a wide range of issues, including acute and chronic pain, injury, allergies, anxiety, depression, digestive disorders, headaches, insomnia, low energy, arthritis, skin disorders, stress management, ADHD, high blood pressure, hormonal imbalances, infertility, and menstrual irregularities, to name a few. It is her heartfelt mission to help center, relieve, re-vitalize, de-stress and detoxify her clients. Dr Joanie is an avid hiker and loves kayaking, paddle-boarding, cross-country skiing and painting.

Location : Carrington/Greenwich

17th avenue